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The Virginia City Highlands Property Owners' Association is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to protect and further the interests of property owners in Virginia City Highlands, Unit 1, Storey County, Nevada (popularly known as the "1-acre lots"). The Association is operated by volunteers without the assistance of a management company. The VCHPOA does not maintain a physical office space and only has one employee who works regularly for the association, the Bookkeeper. The board members handle the day to day operations of the Association and the bookkeeper handles the financial aspects. There is a phone line to leave voicemail messages, but the preferred method of communication is via email.
Demands will be completed with 10 days before the specified closing
date provided in the Demand Packet Request Form
Virginia City Highlands Property Owners Association
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 686
Virginia City, Nevada
-Make checks payable to: VCHPOA
Equipment Yard
2998 Cartwright Road
Reno, Nevada
-Equipment Yard is not open to the general public
-There is no mail service at this location
General Questions?
Billing Issues, Statements,
Address Changes?

Message Line
-Only 1 voicemail message is necessary
-All calls will be returned within 24 hours
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